Discover Your Superpower

I’ve been writing for a long time. I mean, we all had to write in school. I’m one of the nerds that loved it. And I got to be good at it. I’d knock out a multi-page paper the night before it was due. I’m generally not one for procrastination. But I liked to make the deadline a challenge because the writing itself wasn’t that hard for me. 

One day I was talking with a friend and she said, “communication is your superpower.” It hit me like a ton of bricks. Once she called attention to it, I couldn’t help but agree. I’ve always loved writing and speaking. Words are my absolute favorite artistic medium. 

This was an instant moment of clarity. I never thought about writing being my superpower because it came easily to me. I had overlooked it. I knew I was good at it. But I had never dreamed about making money doing it, even though it was a big part of my job.

I actually started Strategic Hype to be more of a consulting company. Once I narrowed down my superpower, I was able to take my greatest strengths and make them the focus of my business. Since then, I’ve had a lot more customers and a lot more interest in my work.

Chances are, you have something you’re good at and that comes naturally. You might not even give it a second thought. But if you poll your friends and family, they’d likely say you have one or two main strengths that stick out. And if you’re like me, they’re so second-nature to you that you don’t even notice. Your superpower is likely something that seems mundane to you. But it’s also probably something you’re so good at that other people notice. 

To help identify your superpower, ask yourself these questions:

- What am I good at naturally and enjoy doing?

- What have I tried to become better at because I like doing it?

- Is there a common thread in my career, school, or life where I gravitate to the same type of task or activity?

- What have other people said I’m good at?

Take that list and think it over. Then ask your closest friends and family how they would answer these questions with you in mind. You might be surprised with the answers!


Upgrade Your Writing with One Simple Skill


The Quitter’s Club