1.     What does a copywriter do?

Very generally speaking, I create compelling content for various mediums on behalf of businesses, nonprofits, and individuals.

2.     Why do I need a copywriter? Can’t I just do it myself?

Yes, you can write your own content. But just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Ask yourself the following questions to guide your path:

·      Is writing one of my top strengths? 

·      Am I just trying to save a little money? 

·      Am I trying to get the project done, or do I want it done by a professional?

·      Can I really get inside the mind of the reader and write with compassion toward their questions and concerns?

If you truthfully answer those questions and feel great about writing your own communications, then go for it. I’m cheering for you! But most people hate writing and know it’s not a strength. It’s hard to see the forest for the trees in your own business. So, give me a call (link at bottom) and let me take that burden off your back.

3.     Will you edit my book?

Well, I could. But it’s a huge project. So yes, but no. I’ll stick to writing for now.

4.     Can I post your work on my blog/website/etc.?

Please contact me before you post my content anywhere. You must always, always, always attribute and give credit. This is actually the law, so please do it. If I have written for you or your company, the details of copyright are written into your contract. If you have questions, schedule a call (link below) and we’ll work it out together.

5.     How long have you been writing?

Like you, I started writing early in school, but I never stopped. My high school English teacher once asked me to write a “thorough” paper about Bath, England. I turned in thirteen pages and she was less than thrilled. But more specifically, writing has been big part of my career since about 2017. 

6.     How long will this project take?

Great question. This depends on SO many things - how big the project is, if there is a global pandemic, what your timeline is, how many other clients are on deck, what day it is, if I’m going on vacation tomorrow, and how much research I need to do first. Call me, and we’ll talk through it! Click the link at the bottom of the page to schedule your call.

7.     Do you get writer’s block?

Yep. I don’t think it ever goes away. But I’ve learned what works for me to break through the blank page. It’s much easier for me to overcome the more that I write.

8.     Do you only write for businesses?

No. I’ve written applications for a leadership cohort, personal recommendations for friends hunting for jobs, fundraising letters for nonprofits, my own podcast episodes, and lots of other stuff. If you need help, I’d love to try something new.

9.     Do I pay per hour or per project?

THE MOST POPULAR QUESTION! Usually I charge per project. You shouldn’t be paying for hours but investing in expertise and results. There are always exceptions. When we chat about your work we’ll talk this out.

10.  How much will this project cost me?

Three hundred thousand dollars.

Just kiddingAgain, this depends on a lot of factors. Is it a one-time project? Are you wanting to invest in a monthly retainer? Do you need it in a hurry? Am I familiar with the topic or industry?

Set up a call or send me an email and we can talk through the details and I’ll write you a proposal.

11.  What if I don’t like what you write?

I’ve never had a client dislike the final product. My process usually includes the first draft and two rounds of edits. If you’re still not loving it after two edits, we can talk about a game plan. But two rounds of work usually get the job done.

12.  Can I be a guest on your podcast?

THE SECOND MOST POPULAR QUESTION! For now, guests on the podcast are by invitation only. I tend to invite people I know fairly well, or people who are recommended by trusted friends and colleagues. I’m always open to recommendations for topics and speakers, but I make no promises. To make a recommendation, email the podcast at andgracefills@gmail.com